Restoration and Silviculture Program

Nursery of species native to the dry forest in Experimental Forest Station Horizonte, ACG

One of the duties of the Restoration and Silviculture Program, is the compiling of information on the restoration of degraded environments and putting into practice the activities which will accelerate the natural restoration of these same environments in the ACG, in places that have been severely disturbed by human activity. These ecological restoration processes have started in the Santa Rosa Sector and Orosí Sector (dry forest) . and more recently, in the biological corridor of Cacao-Rincon (rain forest).

Currently, the most important component of this Program's activities is the research done by the silviculturalists. In this field, the emphasis has been to generate the necessary knowledge to be able to use the native timber-yielding species in the dry forest. Work has been done on more than 42 species, where we have the basic silvicultural information needed to develop reforestation processes of these native species in the region. We count on a nursery with more than 40,000 seedlings and there exist more than 120 cultivated ha of diverse trial and experimental plantations of species such as: mahogany, rose wood, rain tree, ear fruit, stinking toe, black laurel, aceituno, and others. There is also a cloned garden of pochote, established in the forest station Horizonte, in coordination with other institutions in the country.

The Program is located in the experimental forest station Horizonte (an old cattle ranch with more than 7,000 ha of land), which is projected as the most important forestry center in the dry region of mesoamerica, and counts of the basic facilities of lodging, dining hall and auditorium to allow events to occur, especially those with emphasis on the research process.


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